Elke keer als veteranen die in oorlogsgebieden gediend hebben een delict plegen zoals vermoedelijk het geval is bij één van de twee broers uit Hoogeveen die ervan verdacht worden 3 mensen vermoord te hebben dan wordt in de media al gauw de link gelegd naar de dikwijls ernstige trauma’s die ze in het land waarheen ze werden uitgezonden hebben opgelopen. Zelden echter legt men het verband tussen de daad en de kindertijd van de betrokkenen. In haar artikel Body and Ethics ~http://www.alice-miller.com/articles_en.php?nid=49~ zegt Alice Miller in dit verband hier het volgende over:
“I recently read about group therapy with war veterans, who had worked for two years on the severe traumas they had suffered in Vietnam. After they had learned, thanks to the empathy of the group, to allow themselves to feel their frozen emotions the traumas of their childhood began to surface. Every member of the group shared the opinion that their childhood traumas were much more painful than their later experiences during a cruel war. It was this account that motivated me to write this article, along with my desire to comment on a revealing letter and report of a San Diego research team which I had received several weeks ago.
The team investigated 17.000 people with an average age of 57 on the character of their childhood and asked whether they had suffered from physical illnesses during their later lives. The result clearly showed the amount of severe illnesses to be much higher in cases of persons who had been maltreated as children, in comparison with those who had grown up without any maltreatment or "pedagogical" spanking. Actually, these who had not been abused did not have to complain at all of illnesses during their adult lives. In the report How to Make Lead out of Gold the author commented: The results are clear and meaningful, but hidden and concealed.
Why concealed? Because these results cannot be published without implicit accusation against parents, still forbidden in our society. It is the same with contemporary therapies when clients are encouraged to feel their intense emotions. This is almost common practice nowadays. However, when emotions are awakened repressed memories from childhood usually emerge. The patient is now able to remember incidents of abuse, exploitation, humiliation and injury, endured during the first years of life but may be too often confronted with the doubtful attitude of his helper. Therapists who have not undergone this development can seldom appropriately deal with patient's memories of mistreatments. The ones who can are rare and hard to find. Most of them offer their clients the "Poisonous Pedagogy", the very same morality that once has made them sick. Our body is unable to understand. this, it has no need for the Fourth Commandment: "Honour thy parents".
Willen we werkelijk begrijpen hoe iemand tot zijn daad komt, en onze maatschappij veiliger maken, dan is het nodig de dynamiek van kindermishandeling te begrijpen.